…is no easy task, especially when your primary teenage audience is already bombarded by content. So what better way to hold there attention and help them learn than through a game? CTP contracted Nor’easter to design and develop this 3D web-based game on behalf of their client, MAPFRE. Using the messaging developed by CTP’s PR and stategy leaders, Nor’easter created a fun, digestible experience that encourages repeat play - and in turn - retention.



The point of the game is simple: press the spacebar (or tap on mobile) as obstacles emerge. Based on how quickly you hit the brakes, the player receives either a great, good, or poor reaction. Hit too many obstacles or react too slowly, and eventually you'll run out of health and end the game. The track is cyclical, with each completed lap increasing the speed of the obstacles and the necessary reaction times. The player will also switch between bike mode and car mode, each vehicle bringing its own unique obstacles and challenges.

Obstacles take many shapes - pedestrians in the crosswalk, cars weaving through traffic - you name it, we've got it. Depending on how well the user does, one of three ending screens will appear outlining how the player did and encouraging them to try again. Each play of the game randomizes the obstacles and their locations, meaning each round will yield its own unique playthrough.



  • CTP allowed Nor'easter access to an early demo of the game to serve as a foundation for the cityscape's design and the core gameplay. From there, we had just over a month before primetime.

  • A layer of UI was applied to better "gamify" the experience. The demo was optimized and polygons reduced to ensure quick loading and smooth gameplay. Finally, we refined the gameplay to increase replayability.

  • Sound played a large role as well, as audio cues could be used to signal an obstacle might appear or serve as a distraction to the driver. Using a combination of SFX provided and CTP and sourced by Nor'easter, the audio experience came together.

  • 2 formal rounds of internal testing and review took place, allowing us to refine the experience as much as possible before launch. Our main goal was to ensure the pacing felt right - too fast and you have no time to react to obstacles, too slow and you could lose interest.

  • Developed in Unity, the experience launched in tandem with the "Look Both Ways" campaign developed by CTP, and has been a centerpiece of their high school outreach.

Eager to try your hand at the React Challenge? You can explore the CTP’s Look Both Ways campaign and try the game here. Nor'easter is proud to be partnered with CTP, and can't wait to see what they cook up for their clients next! For more information on their services, visit